Monday, November 06, 2006

working with Hebrew letters

I with now that i had a Hebrew word processor on my computer. I've always relied on the very simple set up on my Mac to write in Hebrew, but now I am struggling with it's quirkiness. I have these cards that i want to add Hebrew test to, and it should be simple enough to write it up, print it on velum and put it on the card. however, even tho i have Hebrew fonts and a computer capable of typing backward, i'm pulling out my hair as it does weird things. mostly textEdit refuses to leave the punctuation where i put it and it messes up when ever it starts it's own new line. At one point i tried to see if i could use illustrator (it couldn't find the Hebrew fonts) or Photoshop. Photoshop is ultimately the right program to use because it doesn't even think about moving the test to a new line, it leaves that to you. but i'm going to have to retype everything i typed today, because it can't think in a reversed direction. so if i copy and paste a line of Hebrew text into it, the letters are all facing the correct way, but every word runs backward. I think it's because it took the sentence and ran it backwards.

in English it would look like this: !taht pots uoy yeH
so you can see that's a problem!

I've been want to make these cards for a while and now i have a show in my synagogue for Chanukah, so i have to get them done!


Unknown said...

Well, that problem still exists in the newest version of Photoshop (CS3).
Fortunately, I just have to work with hebrew text for some short banners, so manually switching the letters around is not too much work. But I'm looking for a better solution. So, anyone else have any ideas?

daydreamer said...

thank you so much for posting a comment to the entry. I haven't worked on this issue too much since that entry but this is what i ender up doing: I used the keyboard viewer and the character viewer on my mac to type out the full sentences i needed and then instead of taking them into photoshop, i used text edit and save it as a pdf that i could further edit, open in photoshop etc.
If i did this alot i would buy software because this would be a tough process if i were writing my thesis in Hebrew. But the wall hangings i made were much simpler.

Unknown said...

You would have to get Photoshop ME to work right with hebrew...

kayla said...

well thanks for the tip. the Mediterranean version of Photoshop appears to do it all. wow. it's expensive, no surprise, but still if someone did alot of work in Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi ... it'd probably be worth it. good tip and thanks, kayla