Monday, October 16, 2006

my windows are almost done!

I 've been working like mad to finish my windows in time for the Open Studio. here's a picture of the first one completed. Sorry it's hard to see but what's there is a big beautiful old window that someone through out (they through out 4!) to which i have adhered silk on which i've printed and image leaves in a stream.

each of the for windows was to have a slightly different version of this image taken in wonderfully peaceful Laurel canyon in Tilden Park in Berkeley. But i no longer have four!

the other day i was working on what was to be the second window. I was doing layout , leaving tape as marks of where the panels should go. forgetting that i was working on glass i leaned to hard and POP CRACK BANG the window cracked right down the middle in a beautiful diagonal. bummer.

the good part is that i probably would not have gotten all four done on time anyway and instead i will have three - the complete series - done to present at Open Studios.

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